NBA Finals
The NBA finals triumphed on the web this week as basketball fans sought out all the news on the match-up between the Miami Heat

National Doughnut DayFinally, Americans are gearing up to indulge on National Doughnut Day. It’s today, by the way, in case you forgot. Dunkin donuts
Among the billions of searches that course through Yahoo!, there are bound to be oodles of misspellings. After all, one reason that people search is to figure out an unfamiliar concept, like who the heck this Justine Bieber (aka Justin Bieber
) is, or where can you get these Zoo Zoo Pets (aka Zhu Zhu Pets
) that the kids are yammering about. In honor of the Scripps National Spelling Bee
Yahoo! took a look at some of the top misspelled or misheard searches. *Misheard refers to a term that a person thinks they know but may have misheard it and are therefore searching for it – the wrong way!
Some of the top misspelled/misheard searches on Yahoo!
in 2011 have been:

We consistently see misspelled searches for famous people and brands, some of the top misspelled are:
Some of the top misspelled/misheard searches on Yahoo!
- 72 virginians: for 72 virgins, following the death of Osama bin Laden
- Which american idol has turrets – for which American Idol has Tourette’s
- Defensive marriage act - for Defense of Marriage Act
- Turnoble russia meltdown - for Chernobyl Russia meltdown
- Alice and chains - for Alice in Chains
- Super bowel commercials – for Super Bowl commercials
- How old is McJagger? – for How old is Mick Jagger

We consistently see misspelled searches for famous people and brands, some of the top misspelled are:
- Justin Beaver, Justine Bieber - for Justin Bieber
- louie vaton purses - for Louis Vuitton purses
- Wallmart – for Walmart
- Katie Perry – for Katy Perry
- Brittany Spears – for Britney Spears
- Paperview boxing – for “pay per view boxing”
- Swain flu, swan flu, wine flu – for swine flu
- Dancing with the Starts – Dancing with the Stars
- Obama Bin Laden – for Osama Bin Laden

Justine! That's hilarious!